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Environmental and Resource Science: MLA Style

This guide is intended for all those studying environmental science and related disciplines.

MLA Citation Guide

MLA Citation Basics


Author last name, First name. Title of Book Capitalized and Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date. Print. 

Academic Article:

Author last name, First name. "Title of Article Capitalized and in Quotes." Title of Journal Capitalized and Italicized Volume Number. Issue Number (Date): Page begin-page end. Print.

Newspaper Article:

Author last name, First name. "Title of Article Capitalized and in Quotes." Title of Newspaper Capitalized and Italicized Day of Publication Month Abbreviated Year: SectionPage. Print.

Magazine Article:

Author last name, First name. "Title of Article Capitalized and in Quotes." Title of Magazine Capitalized and Italicized Day of Publication Month Abbreviated Year: Page. Print.

Online/Electronic Articles:

The format is the same as shown above except for the addition of a brief statement with more information about online access to the end of your citation. This includes the following information provided immediately after the page numbers: 

Name of Database in which Article was Located. Web. Date Day Month Abbr. Year.


Title of audio/video. Director (abbreviated as Dir.). Distributor, year of release. Format (DVD, videocassette, etc.).


Title of Work. Dir. Firstname Lastname. Perf. Firstname Lastname. Studio/Distributor. Original Release Year. Medium.

Web Site/Page:

Author, editor, or creator of site (if known). "Title of Article Capitalized and in Quotes." Title of Larger Site (if relevant). Name of Sponsoring or Publishing Organization (if none is listed use abbreviation n.P. (no publisher)) Day of Publication Month Abbr. Year. Web. Date of Access Day Month Abbr. Year. <URL of website/page>

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